Thursday, May 28, 2009

My First Post!

Hey everyone! I'm starting this blog as part of a class I'm taking from Valley City State University. Hopefully, you find something useful in here that helps you become a better teacher or I learn something from you (feel free to leave comments). Since this is my first post, I thought I'd talk a little bit about technology and the direction my teaching career is heading.

I love to use technology in the classroom. The problem is, my current job is as a PE teacher. I graduated with a degree in Social Studies Education from MSU-Moorhead but I'm currently teaching PE until something in the Social Studies department opens up at my school. Our PE program is evolving right now and part of my job is to find a way to incorporate technology into the program. I've thought about using heartrate monitors, websites such as, and even Wii Fit. The problem is, we only meet 2 days a week for 45min. How can I incorporate these things and make my class worthwile and smooth flowing? Those are some of the answers I hope to achieve this summer. Each week, I will be blogging about trends/ideas dealing with PE and technology. If you come across any articles dealing with Physical Education and Technology or online PE courses, please pass them my way.